2017-04-302023-04-05Qiyunshan Tree House, Bengo StudioPosted in Commissions STagged with Bengo Studio, China, HotelLeave a comment
2017-01-062023-04-05Long Museum, Atelier DeshausPosted in Commissions MTagged with Atelier Deshaus, China, MuseumLeave a comment
2016-08-162023-04-05Fab-Union Space, Archi-UnionPosted in Commissions STagged with Archi-Union, China, StudioLeave a comment
2016-08-102023-04-05Library, Tongji Zhejiang College, Atelier Z+Posted in Commissions MTagged with Atelier Z+, China, EducationLeave a comment
2016-07-152023-04-05Artist’s House in Xizhou, Zhao YangPosted in Commissions STagged with China, House, Zhao YangLeave a comment
2011-08-072019-01-17Some photos of the Chinese gardens in SuzhouPosted in Travel & StudyTagged with China, Landscape7 Comments